What Celebrity Do You Look Like?

photo-3In the words of the great Dwayne Johnson aka The Rock, “IT DOESN’T MATTER” !

When someone asks do I know who I look like, my response is always Christina (or one of my parents). After all, that is who I am.

Who are you?

Just as a disclaimer, I am not against the entertainment industry I just want to open your eyes to how we idolize normal people. We see images of celebrities and it can automatically do something to our self-esteem. We start comparing our body to theirs, our closet to theirs and our careers to theirs. I know you all are wondering how does this relate to fashion. We are dressing up the inner you today! People base their entire outward appearance and conduct themselves certain ways because of what is portrayed in the media. Over the past years, there have been issues of eating disorders, suicides and other disheartening events that occur due to peer pressure placed on us by the media.

Considering this blog is for you all, I wanted to get some feedback on your self-image. I conducted a survey asking people on the East Coast one question:

In What Ways Does The Media Affect How You View Your Self-Image / Status?

Below are my favorite 8 responses. I know 8 are a lot to read but the responses are from different genders, ages and ethnicities and they are extremely interesting. I want to personally thank everyone that responded to the question! Ok here we go !

“Hip-hop videos, ads, and several sitcoms have been engrossed in the spirit of consumerism. Everywhere I look, something implies that if you do not purchase a certain set of items at a particular price range, you're not a good enough "person" or if you haven't purchased a certain set of "lifestyle" pieces as advertised on certain talk shows, you're not "in" with society, therefore dehumanizing your status as a "person" based on materials. That's what I've seen and used to be caught up in based on the media”

“Social Media has made me feel more human. Being apart of multiple social networks has exposed me to just how similar and yet very different my peers are to each other and to me”

“Honestly, the media doesn’t affect how I view myself or status. They are so quick to down a person for one thing and praise another person for the same thing. I am educated and have a great career, and while having grown and matured I have realized I tend to leave the antics of my inner youth to the side. I don’t do this due to the media but more so just to respect to my parents & the family who’s name I bear”

“The media doesn’t really affect my self image. The only thing I can think of that relates is how young black men are portrayed and how we all appeal to this “hip hop” lifestyle and that we’re thugs. In a sense it pushes me to not be the norm and walk a path that isn’t a typical as your everyday black man”

“The media affects my self image a great deal. Although it shouldn’t the media has been and always will set the tempo for what is both acceptable and unacceptable”

“Doesn’t really affect me because I am hardly concerned with it. But it does affect young people to a great extent, and negatively at that. I immediately think of models and actresses and their airbrush effects that young girls look up to and devalue themselves. Or sports outlets that love to report on athletes who get arrested but neglect the charity work of others”

“The media makes me feel like a broke loser who should have became a rapper instead of go to college”

“The media depicts an image of perfection that seems almost unrealistic. It causes me to examine my life and essentially make a comparison. The media does not defer my self-image because I know a lot of it is “fake”. However, in regards to my status, it does make me re-examine my definition of success and the means to get there. The media’s portrayal of life and the way people should live their lives although unrealistic sometimes, it does affect my ideas of success”

With this new era of entertainment there’s an oversaturation of a negative depiction of who should be role models. Hopefully within these next couple of years, there will be a more positive influence that media has on society.

#FashionFridays was a little different this week. It was about styling your inside, because that’s what makes the outside beautiful.

L O V E,


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