Aye Yo Smiley - Too Busy

by admin, 10 years ago
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Available on itunes: http://phobos.apple.com/WebObjects/MZStore.woa/wa/viewAlbum?id=840135472 WWW.AYEYOSMILEY.COM https://twitter.com/AYEYOSMILEY https://www.facebook.com/AyeYoSmiley Follow @ayeyosmiley on IG | SOUNDCLOUD | YOUTUBE Aye Yo Smiley's name comes in ringing bells with her new psychedelic themed video and single release, "Too Busy", a single off her much anticipated new mixtape, "Lyrical Addiction", set to drop this summer. "Too Busy", definitely an iconic video in the making, is memorable right down to the end where it is apparent that even the worm, in the obvious Alice in Wonderland motif, ends up intoxicated by this creative sultress. While definitely not a familiar element in Hip Hop, the 'far out' sounds that ring from ear to ear in the beginning of the track hint at psychedelia, almost warning you that you have entered Aye Yo Smiley's world. She explores the world her mind created and is deteremined to open the minds of her fans, as her curiosity causes her to fall into a world without limitations. With this colorful off beat departure from the usual visual, Aye Yo Smiley illustrates that even though there are many female MC's, she is here to stay, and those who aren't with it have to buckle up and get ready to take a little hallucinogenic trip into an alternate reality. "I'm 'Too Busy'! lol! I've been doing music for a little while. I notice people change when you start following your dreams. The closest people around you bring in doubt and limits, but as soon as you make it, those same people will be the same people that will say they believed in you the whole time. I work hard and sometimes it doesn't leave time for relationships. People take it as being too good or being 'Too Busy'! I chose Alice and Wonderland because it was the perfect example. I can't go back to yesterday, because I was a different person, then."

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