By Lynda Spirit Baptiste

Ah! That topic opens many learning keys for discussion.

Since this article is a first and a first of its kind let me introduce you to Learning Keys. Learning Keys are my way of wanting you to have a heartfelt learning experience as you are reading. And every time there is this symbol (K) in front of a sentence that is your indication there is an intention for you to take action or to feel a point that may be relative to your inner growth.

(K)Learning Key #1

Kindly read this article while you simultaneously do something special that reminds you that you love you.

  • Read while listening to your favorite high energy song
  • Massage your scalp with your fingertips (bonus: add a fragrant moisture cream or oil)
  • Put your baby picture or favorite picture next to where you are reading the article
  • Light an aromatherapy candle while you are reading
  • Read the article to a dear friend
  • After each paragraph write( not type) on paper “ I love me” three times before reading the next paragraph
  • Give yourself a relaxing foot treatment with your favorite lotion or potion as you read.

Let us start by pondering the question “Where is the beauty in someone else, if it is not in you?” Your six plus senses are doing the interpretation and so it is YOUR vision of what is beautiful. It is YOU recognizing what beauty is. To know beauty or to be awe struck by beauty begs the question, “How did YOU know it was beautiful or otherwise?” So for each of us the interpretation of beauty is unique. Now that takes us back to YOU being true to YOU. You are unique and it is impossible to compare YOU to anyone else. Your brand of beauty is YOU; one of a kind etched in time and space and there is ONLY ever one YOU. Ahhhh! Yes, (K) Breathe in that truth. Claim YOUR truth. Believe YOUR truth. Live YOUR truth. Do not change YOUR truth. Be YOUR truth. Embrace YOUR truth. Shout YOUR truth. Dance YOUR truth. Stand for Your truth. Never give away YOUR truth. Never twist or turn away from YOUR truth. Stand, do not compromise YOUR truth- YOU are so beautiful. Know Your Truth.

Some may ask if I am promoting egotism here. And I would offer that there is a huge difference between truth and the ego of the human spirit. This is where I venture to say we run into trouble most of the time because we are in our ego when we should remain in our truth. The truth came with a stamp of approval when YOUR unique self was born. And then others who recognized in YOU what was beautiful in them dubbed YOU so. So beauty is always in the eye of the beholder but the fact that YOU are unique is everlasting. Do YOU need to be beautiful or do YOU need to be YOU? You need to be the genius that YOU are. I am not referring to how smart YOU are-- though YOU are. I mean the fact that genius is embodied in the birth of creation that produced the genius that is YOU. Do You hear the truth that gives YOU the authority to be YOU, to be true to YOU, to love all that is You --You—Beautiful You?

I encourage YOU to take 100% responsibility for YOUR life and to start by loving YOU. Someone loves YOU and YOU know who it is. And if YOU don’t know, it is no doubt that it had better be YOU. (K)Simply put, if YOU do not love YOU, well then I possibly will not love YOU, because YOU will make it a challenge for me to love YOU. Now when YOU love YOU and I mean genuinely from YOUR heart, not from your head, Love You, I am most likely head over heels about you because just like a magnet I get sucked into all of that love YOU have for YOU too. And there is something beautiful in YOU that I see. The something that is in YOU that I see is also in me.

This reminds me of the time when I learned this beautiful truth. I went to visit a girlfriend in her apartment on the water in Miami. Whenever I am near the water it seems that God is always whispering in my ear. Sandy opened the door and even before we could speak a hello, the glowing warmth she met me with caused me to say, “Oh my you look beautiful and radiant (definition - marked by or expressive of love, confidence, or happiness) today.” She said that was merely a mirror that I was looking into. Although my friend is gentle and wise; I dare say the words she spoke that day were the whispers of God. As I left her apartment and as I walked through the hallway to the elevator and out to the parking garage near the water, all I could feel were those words. Today, this very moment, it is as if I am still in her apartment, I can still feel those words just as clearly. (K)This is how you know truth. It simply resonates with YOU all the time and lifts you up, and supports you and empowers YOU to be YOU.

On the other hand when the ears of your ego hears something one minute, the very next minute it is craving to hear more and more and more. Truth is enough. Truth is different from beliefs. We will talk more about beliefs in upcoming articles. For now, be guided by truths. Truths resonate deep within your soul. A belief is more like something that is added, much like paint on a wall. And like paint on a wall, beliefs can be changed. If you remain guided by YOUR truths, just like a wall built on a solid foundation with integrity, YOU will stand tall forever. Standing on Your truths leads to love and to solid happiness and your inner love and happiness is the foundation of a relationship of freedom where you have trusting, positive, compassionate, respectful, and romantic relationships. And make sure you notice the next time you compliment someone on how beautiful, sweet, kind, nice or happy they and Make double sure you take a look in the mirror.

  • (K) Ahhhh! Yes, (K) Breathe in that truth
  • (K) Simply put if YOU do not love YOU, well then I possibly will not love you, because YOU will make it a challenge for me to love YOU.

This is how YOU know truth. It simply resonates with you all the time and lifts you up, and supports you and empowers YOU to be YOU.

I Love YOU
Lynda Spirit Baptiste

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