sweet mango iconThere are hundreds of reasons to never be bored (or hungry) in Washington, DC. Our city is a mixing bowl for cultured food, ethnic vibrations, music festivals, parades, and much more. If you are a foodie like me, then you appreciate hunting around greater Washington for “worth it” meals. Longhorn, Cheddars, and Olive Garden are all great, but sometimes, I want to taste oxtails that have been boiling in an oversized pot all day with thickened potatoes, and warm fluffy bread. I want to taste food from a country at the top of my vacation list. Cultured food; well thought out and precisely seasoned, cooked with love and lots of peppers.

Where is this food I’m speaking of you might ask? Sweet Mango Café located in the heart of DC just off of Georgia Avenue. This small café offers arguably the best oxtail and saltfish I’ve ever tasted. Unlike Tropicana, Sweet Mango’s food tastes genuine and true to its roots and culture. Thick accents accompany your plate of warm food. You truly feel like you are in the islands. The ambiance of the place settles in as you savor that first bite. If you’re craving authentic Jamaican or something close to it, We Recommend! you swing by Sweet Mango. The only disappointment you’ll have is when your food is all gone. 

- Gwen Coley

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