"Boost" is a Sci-Fi action series that explores the workings of a scientist who accidentally develops a super powered drug that falls into the hands of terrorist who want to use the drug for their own personal agenda. ▶ SUBSCRIBE TO THE YOUTUBE CHANNEL https://www.youtube.com/boostwebseries ▶ FOLLOW ME ON INSTAGRAM http://www.instagram.com/Tactix87 ▶ FOLLOW ME ON TWITTER - http://www.twitter.com/Tactix87 ▶ FOLLOW ME ON GOOGLE + http://www.gplus.to/Tactix87 ▶FOR BUSINESS INQUIRIES: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. ▶ LIKE THE FAN PAGE - http://www.facebook.com/tactixTV ▶ FIND ME ON TUMBLR - http://tactixtv.tumblr.com/ ▶ SUBSCRIBE TO THE VLOGS - http://www.youtube.com/aj3000 ▶ MUSIC BY: DEAN AIVALIOTIS http://deanaivaliotis.com/examples Thank you guys for watching, MEANS A LOT!