"The Reversal" (Web Series) (Pilot) Ep. 2 Reunions Pt. 2

by admin, 11 years ago
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"The Reversal" is a concept series about a group of friends coming up in New York City and what happens when men and women switch personas. Rhonda is recovering from the damage of her last relationship by lashing out in her dating life. Anthony has high standards when it comes to women and is reminded why when he is reunited with an old fling. Starring Sabrina Gilbert, Ananiki "MIZZP." Peoples, Mad - Man, and Cory Black. Guest roles include Darryl J., Kenya Wilson, Quincy Jones, Charles Salerno, K-Dezit and Chananya. Written & Directed By Keef Louda. Filmed By Darryl J. (Fareelmedia) and Keef Louda (LOUDA Films). Visual Effects By LOUDA Films. Produced By Monkey Muzik Artists and LOUDA Films. Sound Assistance By Qwest La Soul, Licari Garrett, Cory Black, Mad-Man, and Ananiki "MIZZP." Peoples . Extras: Matt Wilkerson and Sofia Ferrandiz. Skylne assistance By Air Peagasus (NY Heliport). Edited By Keef Louda. All Rights Reserved (c). Background Story: Our continuation comes after the growing support for our pilot in March 2013. We stepped up our production and took to the streets of New York City with 1 DSLR camera, a script, a better mic and an objective. Please continue to follow us as we step up our production as well as continue further into the lives of the characters. To Donate or contribute towards the production in any way please contact management @ This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.. Check out our Episode Three (Pilot Finale) here: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fYPBAKIxosQ Follow Us on Facebook: www.facebook.com/thereversal1 Follow the cast and crew on twitter: @thereversalshow @SabrinaEGilbert @KeefLouda @MIZZPisthe1 @WHOOOF @1BUSINESS @monkeymuzik3 @djshort83 Also Follow our Guest Artists and supporters: @IamDezit @Salernogamer @wearemi6 @LordVital @RaGrim360 @CocoaSarai @charlimadison @whiterabbitnyc

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