poetry sign


It’s like I’m already deeply infatuated
But not deep enough to get past your flesh and bones
I’d like to devour
And not the sexual kind, I mean that too, but more like the "I fuck with you mentally"

Grow beyond the stares, touches, smiles, blushes
Texts here and there
Like, fuck my brains out
Tell me some shit about me I never knew
Enlighten me of the worlds I never knew existed
Move me
Make me cry tears of pleasure because I’m just that deep into the crevices of your soul.

I wanna see the stars from your eyes
I wanna hear the cry of seagulls and the roar of the ocean from your ears
I wanna know your very reason for existing
And end up with the conclusion that you exist for me

Maybe in 10 years a "fuck you, I hate you" will appear and we'll want nothing to do with one another
But to know that we once vibed is worth the risk
I’d like to remember you when I hear my favorite song
Sip the finest wine
Blow trees of the finest bud
Sit on the edge of the prettiest lake
Make my bed of the softest sheets 
I want you to never be nonexistent so that when we do grow apart it'll be easy
To find you again

Audre Love

Stay Ready

I rehearsed for my funeral today
Because I figured that if expectations don’t kill me
If standards of what’s beautiful don’t kill me
Maybe a trigger finger would

I figured that a black man’s blood may not be where they think the gold is
And they’ll aim and fire shots at the womb of a black woman instead
I figured they’d want to give my glory to their daughters
And have them pretend they were meant to live longer

Have them pretend they have soil here, that runs deeper than mine
I figured they’d want to fake sow seeds with my blood
So, I figured that I’d practice dying today
And I wrote a letter to my mother...
Ma, you are the ultimate woman, and your best, has always been enough…
thank you for laughing at me, when I wore weird clothes,
It made the world less of a scary place, you’re the reason
I’m so brave…

I wrote a letter to my lover...
You made me feel so magical…and time never really mattered to me, 
our connection stretched passed the long hand on a clock… I just wanted to know if all the time away would be worth it in the end…I meant it when I said I’m fucking with you, infinitely…deliberately…

I wrote a letter to my best friend...
I know I used to tell everyone that they were my favorite girl…but you really were, you were always so unconditional, you were always so strong, and you showed me exactly what friendship was…tell my godson all about me…

Because I figured that if a blast goes off
Or if I need more than mascara to seal my ‘pretty’
I’d stay ready                                         



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